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Weekend plans

Do you have plans for the weekend? Will you take it day by day? Or simply resting at home?

  • 23 votes
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  • 27 votes
ashortbeauty 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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I am a bit of all three. Big things get planned, staying home is fun too and leaves room for spontaneity!
This weekend is suppose to snow, with ice, and more snow... 😟 so I will probably stay home and scoop snow...

Sorry about the snow scooping but cool on the big things and spontaneity.

@ashortbeauty i have my fingers crossed that the meteorologists are really wrong! 🙂 have a good weekend!


Going to work. I don't have weekends anymore. Today I was off. So now I'll be in my room alone. Like every weekend I've had for 2 years.

Well make that money, girly 😎

@ashortbeauty Today was my one day weekend. I went to the gym, the Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart, and played video games, drank coffee with a friend for 1 hr, ate all 3 meals, and now I'm resting. I got up at 3:30 am.

@Sarahroo29 a long and busy day for you! Enjoy that rest time.

@ashortbeauty 45 minutes and I'll be in bed by 8 pm.


I'm doing all three. Plus having to work tomorrow.


Friday when I wake up... I listen to a song I wrote "mis oraciones de fin de semana"... that's get me started right. It's my ritual. Tonight going Dancing and to listen to old salsa veteran... trombonist Lewis Kahn. Tomorrow: depends of tonight, but in Agenda the "A So Important March against Guns". Sunday too far out to plan. It is my first weekend in DC since back from Florida. What I declined? Going to NYC for a mass for my departed brother in law, BD was this past Tuesday.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother in law. My sympathies

@ashortbeauty do not be sorry, we all got to go sometime, I will remember the good times like tonight going to a venue we used to go to.

@GipsyOfNewSpain that's a Great outlook to have. Enjoy the venue


I always like to plan my day. It's exciting. Besides, if you know what you need to do in advance, you will be more productive. From early childhood, my father taught me to plan my tomorrow before going to bed and write down all my plans, which you must fulfill. And it helps me a lot in terms of doing things right away and not waiting until I have the desire or time. Every time I go to bed, I take my phone and write down in notes what I will do tomorrow. If I have a day off tomorrow, then, in this case, I have a whole list of ideas on the site <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="forumlink">[]]([] /, which is unlikely to end. Therefore, I will always find something to do or what kind of vacation to choose. It would be interesting to know if you are planning your vacation?

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