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POLL Operation Phoenix Warrior - YouTube

I want to help others utilize the potential of Muay Thai training as a supplemental alternative strategy for trauma therapy.

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SkepticApostat 3 Nov 6

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I am a proponent of EMDR for PTSD. I've had it myself.

If you ever plan to look into it - be sure to find a therapist accredited by the Institute (see link - which also describes what the therapy is about:

Do I think Martial Arts could have a place in treatment? Sure.

But I think something like Yoga could work just as well. It's mind and body focusing and brings the two together. (Something that often gets a bit split in PTSD).

I myself did Yoga classes for six years - it helped me by learning to do breath work and by bringing my mind and body connection back together more fully. (A lot of people just plain don't breath right - so heck it's good for that alone - plus it improves balance - strength etc...).
You control your breath - you control a lot.
Plus you can do it with just a mat in your own home.

For PTSD I always suggest a combination approach of Therapy, Medication (if needed) and whatever the heck you've gotten in suggestions that work for you and don't harm you.

Thanks for the great feedback! I am also a fan of both EMDR and Yoga. EMDR has a good reputation with other combat vets I know of who've tried it, and Yoga is certainly a great outlet for the reasons you list. I also agree that finding what works for yourself as an individual is the way to go in general, and even wrote a chapter about that in the book mentioned in this video.
My first option in the polling responses was cut off, so you can't read the rest of what it listed as the benefits of training Muay Thai or other martial arts. Like Yoga and other exercise-oriented activities, training a martial art does precisely as you say - from improving balance to strength, flexibility, and does have a significant impact on both physical as well as psychological health. Where I think martial arts training may even have another bonus effect that maybe other activities don't so much, is in the self-confidence usually boosted in the practitioner - and I believe that can be a healing force that helps set martial arts training apart in helping a trauma survivor.
Thanks again so much for your thoughtful comment, and I wish you all the best in your path of recovery as well.

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