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Can one post photos or drawings?

musicman2803 6 Mar 24

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Looking east on Wilshire Blvd, in Santa Monica , ,cA


Yes, but they're pretty small unless you select them 🙂


Yes. Both or either.
#notmycat #notmydonuts


Sure can.


and I forgot to mention Photography


you can post them anywhere. THere are two groups Visual Art and Handcrafters... things of Beauty. You can post there too


I did this in high school.


There are at least two Groups - Visual Arts and Photography - of you don't want to post on the main page. 🙂


I can't draw but my 6 year old son, who I was thinking was going to be like me, then drew this last week

@SweetHarp I can't draw either. See specimen below


Yes. I have seen some amazing art in here. I'm thinking I'm not quite as artistic as most people in here.


Absolutely! You can post in the general forum and/or find a group that is specific to visual arts.


Yes, it says add photos just above to the right of the box you write in. not just one either, anyone can do it.


If you click "add photo" you can.


@RobertSmith There is an add photo link at the lower right hand at the top of the page before you make a post. Another way is if you click "post" on the lower left there is an add photo button and if you are in the middle of a thread like this there is an add photo button on the lower left too

@btroje Look at my response again

@RobertSmith for what? It looks like you asked a question and I took the time to try to answer it. It is your turn to explain if I didnt get it

@btroje my "How Do You Do That" is a picture.

@btroje ya, but his question was posted in the form of a picture... Thereby demonstrating that he knows how to "add a picture".
It was punny, a jest, a joke...
Nicely played @RobertSmith

@RobertSmith ah well not the first time humor on the page was missed especially before coffee

@btroje It was very subtle and easy to miss

@RobertSmith @btroje this entire thread was beautiful. Thanks for the laugh

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