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Why do Christians need guns?

M12bfree 5 Nov 10

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For ‘marching as to war,’ ‘with the cross of Jc ..marching on before’...?

Varn Level 8 Nov 11, 2019

Why does anyone need guns?


They don’t.


They often claim that it's to protect others, like their families or some shit like that.


Fear and cowardice, I suspect. Isn't that what drives hoards into religion in the first place? Fear of death, of other people, of god? Which begs the question: Why? My guess is that deep down they honestly do not believe what they're selling.

Zster Level 8 Nov 10, 2019

May be because they believe everyone is filled with the same anger, hate, and rage they feel.


Because jesus cleared out the temple with an AR15 in some versions of the King James bible.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 10, 2019

they're not good enough with slingshots.


Christians don't, but some people need more than one security blanket, and when the church is not enough then you can still hug a gun.

Those who don't need security blankets don't need either.

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