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Billy Joel or Elton John?

I love them both equally but New York State of Mind and Scenes From an Italian Restaurant win me over.

JayOleck38 7 Nov 10

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Can't choose. Apples and oranges. They toured together 25 years ago and I'm still kicking myself for missing it.


Definitely this guy


I really like both...I don’t want to have to choose because they are both great artists and are very different. If I was was forced to, I’d say Elton.


Elton John, hands down. I have never been a Billy Joel fan. His style just does not do it for me. I love Elton John's early work from the 1970s.

Zster Level 8 Nov 11, 2019

Elton John


I like them both equally. I know in America we have to rank everything, rate everything, and label everything, but I think it is an incredibly sophomoric and stupid cultural idea. We turn everything into a contest. I don't watch any awards shows ever. The arts are not a contest. IMO 🙂

Fair enough. I watch the Oscars every once in a while, but it's mostly just to be with friends and share a common interest.

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