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QUESTION Everything I Like about Religion I Learned from an Atheist -

We try to teach our kids to avoid cults and sects but then, sooner or later, they get old enough to ask you to explain the difference between a cult and a religion.

Is it that cults have irrational belief systems and engage is peculiar, lurid practices? No. Some religions do that too. Is it because cults are always trying to take your money? Well, no. Religions have a tendency to do that, as well. So eventually you have to admit to your kids that it’s really just a matter of size.

A couple dozen people committing suicide in preparation for boarding the mother ship somewhere is a cult, while a hundred million people bowing down before a flesh-hating, elderly celibate is considered a world-class religion. A half-dozen Trotskyists meeting over coffee is considered a sect, while a few million gun-toting, Armageddon-ready Baptists is referred to as the Republican Party.

This fusion of patriotism and religion all started when I was a child. When they put the words under God in the Pledge of Allegiance, for a long time I couldn’t accept it.

zblaze 7 Mar 24

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For the sake of argument, I would strss an "all powerful, all knowing God" wouldnt be threatened by questions or independent thinking. From mere mortal.....BUT people sometimes are. Learn the difference. I think the previous post defined cults very well. And these can be applied to any church /religion. When you can't think independently of the group u got a problem....


Signs of a cult:
The leader and group are always correct and anything the leader does can be justified.
Questions, suggestions, or critical inquiry are forbidden.
Members incessantly scramble with cramped schedules and activities full of largely meaningless work based on the leader’s agenda
Followers are meant to believe that they are never good enough.
Required dependency upon the leader and group for even the most basic problem-solving.
Reporting on members for disobedient actions or thoughts is mandated and rewarded.
Monetary, sexual, or servile labor is expected to gain promotion.
The ‘outside’ world — often including family and friends — is presented as rife with impending catastrophe, evil, and temptations.
Recruitment of new members is designed to be purposefully upbeat and vague about the actual operations of the leader and group.
Former members are shunned and perceived as hostile.


God is a concept at best


I still don't accept it
The original Pledge was destroyed with the 'addition' of two fucked up words 'UNDER GOD'!!
Pledging our allegiance now to an undefined, invisible authority, and placing our nation "UNDER" this imaginary authority sent our nation into a downward spiral.
"One Nation Indivisible" was easily turned into "One Nation Completely Divisible" with the addition of those two words.

I don't subscribe to either God or government. Both are corrupt, arbitrary concepts


Really liked this article. Amazing how today's Christians and Republicans do not embody the beliefs and practices from those of Jesus and his disciples.

Not at all. I'd like to shove Trump's rich ass thru the eye of a needle LOL

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