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Colonialism, slavery, genocide, Jim Crow, discrimination, two nukes on civilians, interfering with other countries, mass shootings, religious hypocrisy, etc...

God is fine with all this...

BUT let a penis touch an anus and Christians swear it’s Gods judgment on America...

Rideauxb 7 Mar 24

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According to the old testament God approves of slavery (the slave laws are written out in detail) and he committed genocide, was misogynistic (discrimination) interferred with other religions (the jews are his chosen people), mass murder (more than once) etc.
If a penis touches an anus it's Gods judgement on little boys-after all it's Gods hand picked messengers (priests) doing it.


Anus breach! All hands on deck! Red alert!

I mean, the things god is concerned (and UNconcerned) about ... funny how they sound just exactly like the kinds of silly things puny humans are [un]concerned about!

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