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How may personal stories must women share to convince others of their humanity?

Trump's smearing of ex-Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch echoes Christine Blasey Ford

"Many Americans felt wounded as we watched and felt Christine Blasey Ford’s strength and composure in the face of irrational white male anger and resentment. It is a wound that, apparently, is still very raw.

"Ford seemed to symbolize women everywhere who had been assaulted as she recounted, yet again, her assault. In the same way, Yovanovitch seems to symbolize any woman who’s ever had a man try to undermine her, demote her or push her out.

"This was about power. Speaker Nancy Pelosi put it best. “Well, he made a mistake,” she told "Face the Nation," “and he knows her strength. And he was trying to undermine it.”

"A mistake indeed.

Love the conclusion:

"Because women, it turns out, take this quite personally. They get inspired and wear pink hats and take to the streets. They go out and vote in record numbers in wave elections. They may even topple presidencies."


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 18

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And yet, loads of women support trump and kavanaugh. I do hope more of them join the wave.


Not sure if the topic is woman telling their stories, or complaining about DT in the milieu of woman telling their stories, but i don't think the telling of stories makes anyone more human than anyone else.


Women have been shouting into the void forever.

@LiterateHiker eaxctly, its very normal.

women are much smarter than men in so many ways , and it is about time men and other women allowed them to shine,then we will see some major changes in the world

@RoyMillar true but that has nothing to do with teling of stories

1of5 Level 8 Nov 18, 2019

Women are strong. They must be because some men treat them badly, including violence. That's not an excuse for men, it's a fact.


Trump is a asshole and women are awesome

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 18, 2019

It is an outright shame how this presidency is explotating the American people for his own gain and laying wrath of destruction to anyone who stands up to him,but I am happy to see so many people are standing up to this bully

@Sealybobo It is still hard to fathom. Whenever I hear "women are smarter than men" bullshit, I remind them of 2016. These were "college educated" white women who voted for trump. It still really pisses me off.

@Sealybobo I already knew that. They don't vote for short men either. We are above all else a silly, shallow, immature country.

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