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Indeed. He is still yelling as he has yelled all the time.

Gert Level 7 Mar 25, 2018

It has been a painstakingly slow process, but it seems as though some of his most ardent supporters are starting to turn. Has baffled me for a while that they have tolerated behavior from him that they would have crucified Obama for.


Anyone on here read his book?

Interesting method for getting people out of the buildings he bought. Let the homeless alkies and drug addicts live there for free alongside the elderly people whom he couldn't otherwise get to leave.


He continues to live in his fake world doing a lot of damage to ours.


I fucking hate everything about this so-called human


Spin and self promotion is his thing, has been for years. Ask the countless numbers of people screwed over by him.


Since when did he ever let the truth get in the was of trump congratulating himself?

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