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It's Sunday. We're not in church. What did you get to do today?

Enjoyed the sunshine. Admired the tree blossoms. Edited my book. Took a shower, lol! Hired a housekeeper & a sitter. Made lunch - YUM! Enjoyed a cup of warm tea. Met with a friend. Returned library books. Read. Meditated. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Firebug916 5 Mar 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Got up late, our clocks went forward, hung out with my 11 year old daughter, had kippers for breakfast, made biscuits, fed the fish and the hamster, had lunch, continued with a jigsaw, talked a lot, had tea, showed her some of my music on Youtube, dropped her off at the ex's, came on here 🙂


I tied up a few loose ends


I watched ' The Big Questions ' on the Beeb , whilst having about 3 gallons of coffee , then went over to a flea market and bought a few bits and pieces , bought some wood preserver for my planters , ordered some sort of twirling candle for my granddaughters birthday next month , polished my bedroom furniture ( it's mahogany veneer with satinwood ) , and then took it easy for the rest of the day watching documentaries ... Religulous for one , now watching one about Capability Brown .


So far, had coffee, exercised, did a little work around the house, spent time here on this site.

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