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A Pennsylvania bill would require death certificates for fertilized eggs that never implant in the uterus

This is insane!

Anti-abortion lawmakers in Pennsylvania want to pass a bill that would require burials and, as a result, death certificates for "fetal remains," which in their terms includes any fertilized eggs that never implanted in a person's uterus.

Fertilized eggs must divide to become the ball of cells that implants in the uterus in order for a pregnancy to occur.

Women, and even their doctors, usually can't tell when fertilized eggs don't implant in the uterus because those eggs typically dissolve in utero and are shed through a woman's menstrual lining every month, making them undetectable.

Vote Republicans out of office!


LiterateHiker 9 Dec 1

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Just one reason it's more vital than ever to fund science education in our schools.

Imagine- just imagine!!!- if these people spent a tenth of the time thinking about living, born human beings that they do worrying about the "unborn".

This is yet another attempt to push the definition of "the beginning of life" further and further back, all the way to conception, so that no abortion will be legal. After all, you wouldn't need a death certificate if there wasn't a living child, right? I can just hear the pseudo-logic now.


Puritan assholes here in Ps!


That’s just stupid.

Good luck to everyone in Pennsylvania if that is the governing mentality!


Yes we must remove all criminal theocrats from office....zealots for zygotes.....tampon terrorists.....kotex kidnappers Ohio raving insane theocrat wants to force doctors who surgically remove an ectopic pregnancy "re-implant" the alleged baby into the patient uterus.....this is as impossible as forcing an Atheist to prEy and report the answer from an alleged gawd

Keep your rosaries off their ovaries


In my 20s, I had a National Abortion Rights League button:

Keep Your Rosaries
Off My Ovaries

Now my car has a sticker:

Keep Your Theology
Off My Biology

@LiterateHiker all our '70's snail mails and newsletters to the hundreds have multiplied into millions of freethought youth and women free to choose but we cannot slow down when billionaires are murdering all our honeybees with herbicides


And, like, 1/3 to 2/3 don't even implant so, uhm, what?

Good thing the bible is so accurate on anatomy/biology/reproduction or fundies would look like lunatics.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 1, 2019


Who are "fundies"? Fundamentalist Christians?

@LiterateHiker yup. I've got a mental block that doesn't allow me to fully spell out religious things.






Insane Assholes

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