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What do you say to another during the holidays?

I'm aware that some of us live in more religiously controlled environments than others, and some in areas where religions have no call.
What is your friendly response wishing seasons tidings?
I always refrain to have a happy holidays.
At which point I worked as a barista years ago and Jehovah's witnesses would complain.
Happy... winter?
This time of year regardless of spiritual identification is hard for all of us at least in the USA.

Pontificus 4 Dec 5

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I never initiate but will respond to adults with "you too" and will repeat back what a child says. Most say Merry Christmas.


"and to you"


Whatever a conversation requires!


If I know what their beliefs are I'll say whatever is appropriate. I most often say Merry Christmas because it's really not a religious holiday anymore anyway. I don't see how buying a kid an Iphone has anything to do with any religious belief.


I say what I think they want to hear what ever that may be .


i have no problem wishing people a Merry Christmas. I just respond in kind with whatever the say. They are just being kind. Why would that piss me off. Christmas means different things to different people, and to some it means nothing at all. To me it means pretty lights.

@Pontificus I don't. I let them lead. If they say nothing l say have a nice day. there are many things in the would to be upset about, and for me this ain't one of them. You may feel differently, and that is OK too.

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