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These Male Candidates Couldn't Answer A Simple Debate Question On Women In Power

"Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden sidestepped what should have been one of the easier queries to handle in Thursday’s forum.

"Entrepreneur Andrew Yang was the only male candidate to provide thoughtful, on-target comments. He first said that at its core, “our country is deeply misogynist and most all of us know that. Money and men are tied together.”

He continued: “The fact is, strong societies would elect more female leaders.”

"Drawing laughs from the audience, he added: “The fact is if you get too many men and leave us alone for a while, we kind of become morons... Right now, the fact is that we operate in a fundamentally anti-woman marketplace and that includes the market place for politicians.”


LiterateHiker 9 Dec 20

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Did a single phony male/female candidate TELL RICHMOND OR TALLAHASSEE OR BATON ROUGE viewers to ratify E. R. A. in their capitol ??? Just one state is needed AND 3 states like AL&SD filed lawsuits to stop the remaining 13 from ratifying E.R.A. are women equal or not ?


Yang nailed the moron in White House and on his stage at all those podia


Overall, i think Yang is a twit but he was right, and gutsy, on that issue.


I take serious issue with this. We are morons.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

I know there are other places for jokes but this one hit the nail right on the head

Three men were walking along the beach one day, when one of them stumble on a metal vessel. He picks it up and dusts the sand off , when all of a sudden a genie pops out. He says being there are three of you and I can only give out three wishes , I will only grant each of you one wish.
The first man says “ I want to be ten times smarter than I am “
The genie waves his hand and says “ you are a college graduate now”
The second man says “ I want to be a hundred times smarter than I am”
The genie waves his hand and says “ you are a PHD and a Rhodes Scholar”
The third man says “ I want to be a thousand times smarter than I am”
The genie waves his hand and says “ YOU ARE A WOMAN NOW”


Must admit, do not recall Sander's or Biden's reply but did remember Yang's. Another important question was would you ask forgiveness or give a gift (interestingly asked by Judy Woodruff!). Men would give a gift (a book they wrote!?), while the two women would ask forgiveness - Amy Klobuchar: “I would ask for forgiveness any time any of you get mad at me. I can be blunt. But I am doing this because I think it is so important to pick the right candidate here.” She had a good night! No need to say sorry for being blunt!


I loved his answer,honesty and truth coming out


I don't think Sanders sidestepped this.

"Here is the issue. The issue is where power resides in America, and it's not white or black or male or female. We are living in a nation increasingly becoming an oligarchy, where you have a handful of billionaires who spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying elections and politicians."

Or do we need women like Carly Fiorina and Betsy DeVos in power?


please allow that i am speaking in generalities here. its kind of like the difference in grandma being sure everyone got some pie, and grandpa who couldn't care less as long as he got his. you have listed some prime examples of exceptions, but the point is about Womens Leadership overall. if you subscribe to the notion that women's thinking process is more inclusive and holistic in nature, as well as having a greater sense of empathy, it should easily translate into a group of women sitting down and being sure everyone is enjoying thier pie. generally women are more communicative and better listeners. handy skills for leadership. just some thoughts on it. no betsy devoes please.

Right on. The true struggle is between the elites and the commoners. I'm all for equalizing things between the sexes but a female oligarch is just as likely to screw you as a male oligarch.


Sounds on point to me



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