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QUESTION Scientific Study Concludes That Jesus Christ Didn’t Exist | Neon Nettle

Another scientific study, and not surprisingly the same result!!!! Always worth a read. There is a nice video of Hitch at the end of the article. I always love watching Hitch.

Hugene2002 7 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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The site shows all the signs of being a click-bait site. Tread carefully.

skado Level 9 Dec 10, 2017

...and out of pure meanness, and my general disaffection for the hitch, I will suggest that his scholarship, though impressive, was not apparently motivated as much by a love of truth as his penchant for showmanship. In the video he demonstrates his willingness to smear anything and everything that doesn't agree with him, using popular buzzwords like "bronze age" to demean people who lived well over a thousand years after the Bronze Age had given way to the Iron Age in that part of the world. (please correct me where I'm wrong)


Something I never understood was why historians for so long insisted that Yeshua (i.e ., Jesus) was necessarily a historical figure, despite no primary sources to verify he existed. The best evidence was a historian (Josephus, I think) years later making a brief reference to Christians and what they believed. It always seemed to me that more recent historians accepted historicity based on influence, because Christianity is so prolific. That never made sense to me; it's like claiming Hercules must have been a historical figure because a lot of people believed in him for many years. I truly searched for stronger arguments from historians and found nothing convincing. The people we're more sure of include Paul (Saul) of Tarsus, who is arguably the true founder of Christianity, and who spread the word of Jesus for his own political agenda (as a revolutionary in Roman society). And we think there was a real person named James who traveled with Paul spreading the message, who claimed to be Jesus's brother, lending local credence to the tale. But for me that's not evidence. I can lie about having a dead brother, and even today with all of our records it would be rather difficult to disprove my claims. So, knowing Paul's motives were, at best, divided, I'm less inclined to believe that his mission was forthright and that the tale was true. I think it's quite possible that James was an actor of sorts to help along Paul's cause. I tend to think that the Gospel writers didn't think they were writing fiction, but that Paul himself was fabricating the story years earlier for the sake of his own agenda. And this doesn't actually make me happy, because I'd love for there to have been a historical figure Yeshua on which the concept of Jesus was based, because I think learning about that would be fascinating and give us insights into how key facts of his life were changed over time and became myth. But, without a historical figure we're just left with the myths and nothing against which to compare it.

I work and live in an environment where people almost worship Paul. Strange. What he did was pervert Judaism and pathologize Jews so he could get converts from the Romans. The character of Jesus was born a Jew, lived his life as a Jew, followed the law of Moses, and died a Jew. Christians seem to think he was trying to start a new religion. He was not. He had a beef with the corrupt Sadducees and Khypus the High Priest. Sorry for the spelling errors. Loads of misconception about the traditional character of Jesus. Sad.


I guess some scientific studies can be wrong. Jewish, Greek & roman writings have stated that person did exist. The name was changed at around 650 AD by Spanish monks to Jesus to give him a name that was never used. No "J" in the Hebrew language. Father might have been a Roman soldier.
More if YOU want! Respectfully Yours


You can just skip the article and watch the video if you're short on time.


Jesus is doing just fine. Does my lawn twice a month

I like that Timmy, had a beer with him many yrs ago

Hey, stop cutting into my 'hired help'. I have Jeezuz-dude working in the kitchen of my restaurant. I give him a can of outdated sardines and a stale bagel and he waves his magic wand and there are elegant fish diners to feed the thousands.

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