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LINK Indiana Governor Signs Bill Mandating Abortion Information

Another way a limiting women's rights

HippieChick58 9 Mar 27

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Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Will they require medical providers who treat men for complications arising from circumcisions to report detailed patient information to the state? I think not.

Big brother is hard at work not only in Indiana but the entire country.
It makes me ashamed to be a Hoosier.


The thought I have regarding this info gathering is that it is a method, (perhaps as yet un-solidified as to technique and details) which is in the dirt gathering stage.

You see, you, the reader, and I both have known people like that - sneaky types, biding their time, awaiting the correct moment to strike....
People like that, conniving sneaks seeking power over others, seem to be drawn to government.

Violence toward groups which (the government?) can twist the populace into believing 'evil' creates a strong base for said government. Stupid people seem to like having safe victims to hurt, humiliate, and kill.


Why do complications from abortion even matter? What about complications arising from other procedures, do those have to be reported as well? Doesn't this amount to bigger government? I think more interesting would be reporting on children whose mothers changed their minds about having an abortion. These pro-birthers don't seem to care what actually happens to children after they're born.

Yes that is the fly in the ointment. They take a big stand against abortion but then take away benefits from single moms who are struggling. The planned parenthood initiative was about more than abortion.

The republicans have for many years opposed birth control,abortion but after the children are born they could care less. The refusal to grant aide to Afican nations that allow abortion or planned parenthood is a crime. Some how we never bring this up and they get away with murder.

The reason Republifucks want babies is CANNON FODDER! Boots on the ground. They don't give a good god damn what happens to you before or after, they just want bodies for the military.

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