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How come there's no category for 'apatheist'?

What's that? A person who doesn't care if god exists or not! 😉

atheist 8 Mar 27

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Good question!

I find it telling that there is no category for "Cruelty-Free, Free-Range Atheist"


There isn't a category for apiaratheist either. Thriaeists are always forgotten.


A true aptheist wouldn't bother to use such a category or any other for that matter.


that is who most of us are ; apathetic


I think I qualify. I think there are more pressing concerns in the world than settling theological questions--like potable water, breathable air, sufficient food, clean power, shelter, and healthcare for all people, protection of the environment, etc. Once we get those kinds of things taken care of--and masses of sentient beings, human and non-, are no longer suffering greatly, then we can sit around all day and argue about that kind of stuff.

I'd be interested if anyone (not anyone here, most likely, just anyone in the world) thinks they have a cogent argument as to exactly why we need to settle the god stuff before we bring food to the starving and build shelters for homeless refugees--or what it is about the unsettled god stuff that prevents us from doing so effectively and morally.

As long as we're earnestly working to reduce suffering in the world, I don't care who believes what and what stories they tell themselves. We need strong backs and loving hearts and hammers and nails and seeds and plows for that--we don't need settled theology.


Probably lack of interest on the part of apatheists who are simply apathetic.


Don't we have enough to choose from?


Who cares?

I see what you did there.



Would you expect any conversations on that list?

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