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Thereโ€™s much info on Fast Radio Bursts (frb) at In the search box I entered โ€œfrbโ€ and saw enough to occupy me for hours.


Finally! I was starting to worry my distant cousins were ghosting me


The observable universe is so vast so wide just one of these rapid radio bursts can be 500 million light years away or a billion light years away and just one of these bursts "flashes" a years worth of energy if it came from our sun.....what idiot thinks a camel jockey gawd created it out of a vacuum ? ?? Matter can neither be created nor it's indwelling energy be beginning zero end ....that is the 1st falsehood of the King James bibles 3 fictional words IN THE BEGINNING thereafter the 4th typing is not even a word, it is gibberish gawd


Wow! Whole new theories of the universe,production of energy, and who knows what coming right up!


That's awesome!!



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