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When you die, would you want your family to burry your body and be cremated?

I told my family I wouldn't mind, you can even throw me in the forest. After all I will be fuckin dead.

Robertnicolas52 4 Jan 19

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My wife and I decided to be cremated upon death. No excessive expense. With some of our ashes spread on the farm and some at my parents cottage in Muskoka. Places we loved. My wife died. I followed her wishes except the minister (still not completely severed of church) suggested I place some of her ashes in the grave At a cemetery so that people would have a place to visit her and show their respects. I thought that made sense so that’s what i did.


The intellectual part of me would like me to donate myself to science, but the something else part of me wants to be cremated and cast to the winds.

And no headstone but a seat placed at St Michaels church in East Peckham in Kent, England overlooking the vale toward the River Medway. There’s already one there but another wouldn’t hurt!

It’s where I grew up and where my mother and fathers ashes are.

My father in law donated his body to science. Nothing was worth transplanting because he was old but medical school used it and when finished with it was returned for cremation. I’m good with that for myself.

@Bilbobagins That’s good. If don’t think of getting the bits back!

@Geoffrey51 you won’t if it’s like here. We never saw Bob again. Just his ashes in a box. And now that I think of it, there was no charge for the cremation and there was a community service several months later whereby the names of several donors were thanking them for this final service to mankind.


As I told the English class I was in at college I want a Belter's service like in Niven's known space books.... After everyone gets drunk and finishes telling tall tales about me as far as I am concerned since I have no need for the rest they can toss me on the BBQ and the cannibals can eat me....

Haha. I like this

@Robertnicolas52 The professor went a bit green but the class cracked up...


Cremation is the cheapest way to go if you go directly to the crematorium and bypass the undertaker. Last time I checked, it was $800 here in Oklahoma. My husband was cremated and when I go our ashes will be mixed together and after that i could care less. I did have a level headstone engraved for both of us. I did that out of respect for his family and the old fashioned practice of checking cemeteries for family history even though the world is on now.


As a veteran I get a free plot in veterans cemetery near here

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 19, 2020

I think cremation would be more practical. It’s cheaper and you don’t occupy a piece of real estate for centuries to come.

Rather than further enriching the funeral industry I’d rather the money go to education for my grandchildren.

You only need a cardboard cremation box too. No expensive casket.


I am thinking about donating it to the Texas State University forensic department.

This is a good idea.

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