Do you guys think monagomy is natural or is it a less effective practice for humans? Or we more wired to have multiple sex partners? Let’s discuss.
Based on my experience, humans are mostly non monogamous but marriage like religion serves to preserve social order. Obviously many people prefer monogamy. What bothers me is people who adhere to group norms with a sense of superiority and self righteousness as if each person doesn't have the right to choose alternative lifestyles.
Humans are biologically non-monogamous. And you are right, so many people are so ready and eager to tell us how one should and should not live life. Marriage may or may not serve to preserve the social order, but to me it seems advisable that when a couple begins to embark on their time together, there should be a conversation about their views on monogamy and poliamory and open relationships and swinging, etc., to avoid painful assumptions or covert actions brought about by unfulfilled desires, or to avoid a life of repressed desires that in the end may proof to be as natural as anything else.
ESL teacher? Interesting. Do you speak a language other than English?
@Rodatheist I speak a little Japanese.
Actually, I apologize. After I asked you about speaking another language, I went ahead and read your bio and noticed your ability to speak Japanese. Do you have Japanese ancestry?
It is illegal to marry more than one woman or man, but nothing in the law prevents you from living with several or having multiple partners, married or not.
While more common in men than women, I have known several married women who had multiple partners, one was married 3 times and "cheated" on all three husbands, although she and her present husband of about 25 years went into the relationship as an "open" relationship.
our biology shows us to be mostly monogamists.
@Gwendolyn2018 The naked ape by Desmond Morris goes thru it a lot better then I could. He is an evolutionary biologist. Its your call I could try to summarize or you could buy the book on amazon for about $3.99. I am good either way.
@Gwendolyn2018 I don't think I have to do anything?
No, monagomy is unnatural but perhaps culturally necessary. Otherwise those commune of the past wold have continued past 20-30 years
I like poly because it gets rid of unnecessary conflicts. Like if you're in a monogamous relationship and you cheat, it's a betrayal of trust. Whereas if, from the start, everybody consents then no trust is betrayed because everyone knows what they're getting into.