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Could I be considered an atheist or a deist?

I know it sounds strange and all, but I'm kind of confused about certain things.
I say to those close to me that I am an atheist, that I don't believe in God and I don't follow the Bible.
But I have to say that I'm interested in the concept of a higher force who created us, even though I have no proof of that. Like, a force that created the universe and all that, but it doesn't require or demands our love and extreme obedience.
So can I still be considered an atheist or a deist? What are your thoughts on that?

RaiGab 5 Feb 1

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Wouldn’t worry about it. Be who you are and don’t let a label define you.

You don’t need a club!


I hate labels, if you do not believe in gods or religions, then you can call yourself a non-believer. Anything else is just mental masturbation, a higher force that created not us but the universe, and as you say "all that", have you heard of evolution? the big bang? that's proof of your higher force.

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