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Lets fantasize for a moment. Think about some things in our Country that you really dislike and would love to change.

Since our country is headed towards a "Dictatorship"

lets say you are the "Dictator" and have the power to create and implement any legislation you wanted.

Name 3 Types of legislation you would make law
and explain why.

I thought this would be a fun way to find out more about each other and how we view this country.

My 3 laws would be:

  1. I would make it mandatory everyone is tested for HIV and all infectious diseases, so we can hopefully prevent new infections.
  2. I would put tracking devices in every person with a criminal background. There would be no such thing as "FBI most wanted list " cause all criminals incarcerated and non incarcerated would be tracked.
  3. I would Ban usage of fossil fuels for Transportation and machinery use. This would mainstream electric cars and machinery which produce zero emissions, and improve the environment plus our health in the long run.
twshield 8 Feb 7

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  1. jobs rated according to benifit to the MORJORITY society.
    2)land use prioritized to maximum community use.
    3)"happiness" be top criteria for economic SCALES +REPORTS.

1 I, as dictator, have the personal right to abolish and/or amend existing laws.

2 The "Three Rules Law" is abolished.

3 As dictator, I have the power to make as many laws as I wish.

4 Disagreement with any laws I make is illegal, and those found guilty (by being declared guilty by me) will be punished (salt mines, gulags, scorpion pits, etc).

5 Get back to work, peasants.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 9, 2020

This is a veiled attempt to condemn socialism!!!

When now the obstructionist republican fascist are actually doing so much of what you allude too!!!

Except they are reacting in opposite endeavors to enhance profits and power for their wealthy owners and their corporations!


I would dismantle the bloated defense industry and bring home all American troops.

I would convert gradually to state capitalism with the goal of eliminating taxes and providing a universal minimum subsistence, concurrently eliminating every other social program.

I would drastically downsize the federal government and move the capitol to a more central location, such as northern Texas or maybe Denver.


Way to be a dictator Tim! Trump would do two out three on this list if he could get away with it.


That’s a pretty good start for a despot!

Most of them start well, it is when they start to run out of good ideas that the problems begin.

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