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LINK New Generation of Dark Matter Experiments Gear Up to Search for Elusive Particle

Looking for the invisible...
From the link:

The problem with all of this is you’re looking for something, a needle in a haystack,” Cushman says. “To build a detector, you need to make some assumptions about how shiny is the needle, and how big it is, and where the haystack says you should start looking first. So that’s what we do when we build these detectors. We think of the most likely place, and of course we could be wrong. And so as time moves on, and we don’t find the needle where we expected to find it, we look further and deeper into the haystack.

RichCC 8 Feb 16

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Further and deeper into the haystack until Congress stops giving you taxpayers’ money.


Fermi Lab has plans that involve a particle collider stretching
from outside Chicago to Colorado. Japan had done some preliminary(small scale) designs. It boggles the mind what advancements humanity will accrue. The technological advances may help in the medical field; as pin point destruction of tumors.


World Science Festival; "Looking For Dark Matter"-host Brian Greene *May 2019

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