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LINK Why Is It Difficult to Get Christians to Care About the Earth? | Sojourners

I think it is in part because they think Jesus will be coming back in their lifetimes, and so they see no need to take care of the eart. Of course Christians have been thinking Jesus would be comign back in th3eir lifetime for over 25000 years and it has yet ot happen. At the rate we are going, in 500 years the planet my no longer be hospitable for any human life at all.

snytiger6 9 Feb 20

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Five hundred years is way off. More like five years. I've been saying your view a long time. Why take care of your house if you believe it's going to be destroyed?


It is no accident that the Abrahamic religions all began in a region of the Middle East, where nature was at its most bleak and hostile, and therefore only human culture was seen as benign. Making human culture, which in those days and places meant, paternal authoritarian culture, all powerful.

The other reason why religious people do not care about the environment, is simply because, they don't care, full stop. Religion is essentially a selfish pursuit, 'my' relationship with god, 'my' church, 'my' salvation, 'my' immortality and 'my' spiritual life, it therefore only attracts selfish and shallow people, there may be exceptions but not generally.

Good post but t believe there's a lot more to it. Let's look at the etymology of the word "Religion" to give us a clue. "Re', of course refers to again or repeat. The root "lig" if from the Latin word "ligare" means to tie as in "ligation" or "ligature". I think we can surmise that the tying has to do with the umbilicus, which is retied to the church instead of let loose in a dog-eat-doy world. So, through Baptism, humans lose contact or connection with Nature.


Back I bought into the bs of religion I cared about the planet. I didn't know or believe that Jesus was coming back in my lifetime.

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