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Create a Grooup

I could not find what perks I have at different levels. When I click the "view" perks link it just takes me to a page to write a post. At what level can I start a group?

Alyn 4 Feb 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't know but when you reach it, try starting a religion instead. think of what you would save on taxes.


Better just to lurk.


I wrote to JonnyBQ below. Yes, if the site grows then it may be worth starting one now to be on the ground and running as the site becomes more active, but the truth is that the site seems to be shrinking in terms of actual active members now.


What type of group do you have in mind?


Level 4. You're almost there.

@Alyn You're welcome. I'm surprised so many people were critical of you making a group. If you want to make a group, then make one!


It happens. Get the lay of the land. Let the land get the lay of you.

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