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It is real simple. If you can't draw a large number of Indies, you can't win, whoever wins the nomination. 28% of Americans are registered Democrats. Do the math.

Bernie does draw in Independent voters..

@Charlene It has to be enough. In some states he he will need republicans. This isn't about total numbers. It is about where those numbers are. A million more people in Calif and NY won't change a thing. There are already Dems that don't want Bernie. I am hoping those millions who didn't vote in 16 will have trump fatigue and vote.

@Sticks48 because those Dems refuse to open their eyes to the fact the party isn't for working/ middle classes any longer. It's been drag so far to the right by Corporatist that "Progressives" now seem like "Radical Socialist". When in fact Bernie Is an FDR Democrat..unlike the cowards that whine about the Center not wanting a fighter..the Only ones Not wanting Bernie are the Corporatist Dems..he carried the Independents in 2016, he's doing so again..

@Charlene It doesn't matter what we believe. It matters what they believe, and most of those "they" are our age and will vote in large numbers. I will vote blue no matter who. Anyone who doesn't vote blue because their choice did not get the nomination or vote for the Green Party or some such nonsense, are no better than trumpers.

@Sticks48 if Biden, Buttigieg or Klobuchar are jammed down the throats of voters..we get Trump again, because those same Independents will walk away as they did in 2016...

@Charlene I don't think so. It could be none of them. It could be a brokered convention. Anything could happen.

@Sticks48 if it goes to a brokered convention, as the DNC wants, then it'll become a redux of Chicargo 68 × 10..and the end of the Corpratist Dem party..

@Charlene We are and have been a corprotist country for awhile and or no one else is going to change that because congress and that includes several Dems are not going to change it. Big change comes when a generation dies and right now that is we Boomers. Boomers run most things and will for awhile. It doesn't matter who the Dems pick or who they pick them, if you don't vote for that person you become part of the problem.

@Sticks48 the problem is that people Accept mediocrity as the isn't, I'm at the end of the Boomer generation..I have nothing in common with early stage Boomers that vote rethug and I will Not be Told to vote for mediocre because DNC Banksters demand it...that Is the problem..
We are dying out, and No we're not going to be in control for any long period of time..

@Charlene MOST.PEOPLE DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY PERCEIVE AS RADICAL CHANGE. The big question is will the hard core Bernie people and Bernie himself support someone if Bernie doesn't get the nomination. If not, they will be just as much to blame as the people who vote for trump. If they don't and trump wins they need to shut the fuck up. Bernie needs to quit coming off as the angry old man. lf you look at our history, angry does not win national elections. People like positive messaging. The main thing is getting rid of trump, period. Ant Democrat will be better than trump. That is fact. If you want to gamble on a 7 to 2 Supreme court, then don't vote and help put trump in. I'm fine with Bernie, but none of them excite me.

@Sticks48 you do realize that 95% of Bernie supporters voted for Hill in 16, yes? And that he hit 5he trail for Her in 39 states. And She actually wrote Him a letter Thanking him for His support. So don't even go "Bernie Bros" bullshit. Btw it was Hill that started that little nickname. Kinda like "Detestables", no?
The better question is will Amy, Joe or Pete support Bernie if He wins?
Why should he not be angry? We should All be Angry with the Piss on You economy, people dying/going bankrupt due to no insurance/medical Bill's. Attempts to Cut Social Security/Medicare, Cutting benefits to Vets and Cutting TAXS FOR THE 1% and Corporations, Killing the EPA, Destroying Public Education,..Oh poor people are Afraid of Change..they should be afraid of Cages for Children, Death by being forced to choose between Food or Medications.

@Charlene What the people should be afraid of and what they are afraid of are not always the same. That should be obvious by now.

@Sticks48 Well let's just not Try to rattle their cages..or maybe we should the phrase We have nothing to fear but Fear itself.

@Charlene The trumpsters will vote and do it enthusiastically. Will the rest of us Lefties and anti-trumpers do the same, and in the right states?

@Sticks48 I know we will..

@Charlene well said, Charlene, aaannndd Facts, unlike some on here

@AnneWimsey I have said nothing that isn't fact.

@Sticks48 we have been living, since 2016, amongst chaotic, scary, incompetent, nasty Change!!!
I just want to go back to Competence & Kindness, and I bet many others do too.
Your post ASSumes way too much!

@AnneWimsey Not really. Why do you think Biden crushes Trump in national poles. People want what they consider normal. I go by what l see and hear. It is no different than your assumptions or anyone else's at this point. Everyone is assuming and guessing, including you. You are all assuming if Bernie wins there will be big changes. Bernie won't even be able to get a Democratic controlled house to go with most of his ideas. There are a lot of moderate Dems who will not vote for his ideas and no Republicans. If the Dems don't take the Senate it will be like with Obama, and the Republicans will pass nothing, especially if McConnell or McCarthy are in charge.

@Sticks48 Might wanna bother to locate the facts. Here's a digestable video by one of America's leading political scientists:

@Nunya He didn't say anything we haven't known for a long time. I don't care which Dem gets the nod. Not one of them excites me. I like Warren the best , but l don't think she will get the nomination. It will most likely be Bernie or Biden, unless neither one can come up with over 50% of the delegates and it ends up a brokered convention. If that happens it could be anybody. I will vote for the Dem no matter who it is. If it was you, you would get my vote.After all is said and done, whoever wins the nomination, if they can't pull in a large number of those left leaning independents, they can't win. That is a fact.


I just wish the majority of voters would support Bernie Sanders, not just Bernie supporters.

Well, so far they seem to be!

Do you?

@Charlene I prefer Elizabeth Warren, and I know I will be treated the same as a trump supporter for saying that.

@BitFlipper Elizabeth is now totally dependent on Bernie asking her to be VP, her numbers are Dismal. Wonder if he will be as good to her as she was to him in 2016?

@BitFlipper I supported her candidacy right up until she backed away from Medicare for All..


Bernie definitely deserves every kind of media related support we can provide his campaign. Even mass protest demonstration in the streets to get it noticed.

And I wish that we could clear up the conflation that democratic socialism (or social democracy) is like communist socialism, when it is not like that at all.

Unfortunately, socialism has its roots in the same ground as communism, which is merely an extreme version.
A policy of social care and fairness needs a different name.

The name is a major problem we need to remedy asap.
Any business that does a lot of marketing knows this is vital.
America has major ineffectualities in social communication and in media management.

@Petter Whatever you call it, it can be corrupted and disparaged by criminals and oligarchs.

@EdEarl How unfortunately true. Hitler's party was called the National Socialist German Workers' Party and it was anything but left wing in its philosophy!
Mussolini's party was the Italian Socialist Party.
In Russia the Communist party was initially called the Russian Social-Democratic Party
All were autocratic and oligarchic.

@AnonySchmoose how about WE THE PEOPLE

@Petter Just as the US government has been corrupted. No government organization is immune. The nature of the government depends on the people running it.

How about an "FDR/ Truman" democrat..which is exactly what Bernie is, and Warren when she didn't back down from MC.A..

@Charlene Warren confuses me by changing her messages between reformer and centrist. It makes me wary of her.

@EdEarl it why I couldn't vote for her..

@AnneWimsey "We The People Party" could well avoid the mass confusion generated by "Social Democrat Party" and "Democratic Socialist Party."

@Petter oh, puleeze, so outright Wrong!

@AnneWimsey I have posted an anecdote from my youth in "politics". Would you still say I am wrong after reading it???


He's right..if they pull the superdelegate bs again, it'll make Chicago 68 seem like Romper Room..

That would be something to see. I remember that Convention and it was bad as many people were hurt.


Pardon me. I am late. I was cooking a grand lunch for five.

About the article, please ignore. It is just one opinion.

Scores of Democrats - representatives, voters, strategists and fundraisers are demanding that the radical and extremist Sanders be thrown out ASAP.

I feel confident that the 2020 is a foregone conclusion. Sanders has damaged the Democrats cause, brand and purpose and we are not going to recover soon. Trump will be re-elected in 2020.

Translation.... Bernie will not be president.

No, Bernie supporters sat out 2016. That's what happened.

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