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"Impugning" implies lying. Pointing out very glaring examples is not "impugning".


They’re likely considering his alternatives ...a heart impared vertical corpse, and a demented narcissist..

Varn Level 8 Mar 15, 2020

The last two weeks observing US politics has made it very clear what the struggle is in the US. It's not between the Democratic Party and Trump and his syncos in the Republican Party. It's between the US working population and the Establishment, which controls both parties, and has the same interests, despite feigned waring. That's what the political coup to sandbag Biden was all about. Now, whether Biden wins or Trump wins, the Establishment power structure is secured. I look at the likes of Obama, who was a main operative in this power cementing, and wonder how we could have been so wrong about him. You sold out man! as they used to say in the 60s. As for the corporate media, they're owned lock stock and barrel by the elite. How some of those 'journalists' sleep at night, given their feigned concern for working people, I'll never know.

I'm sure they sleep very well. They are rich and comfortable.


It's all about obtaining favors and sucking up to whoever seems likely to hold power. Shameful how no one had the integrity to point out the truth in his camp publicly. Positively Orwellian in how history and the truth are distorted to serve the party line and anything inconsistent if flushed down the memory hole..


A case of projecting writ large, thanks for sharing.

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