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LINK WATCH: In Packed Church, Pastor Tells Congregation The Coronavirus Is Fake

As the U.lS. is one of hte most religious countries, and churches are known vectors for transmitting the virus (ala South Korea), we are not going to be likely rid of this for a long time.

snytiger6 9 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe we will get rid of some Christians and start reversing this downward spiral of stupidity we are trapped in. They are gone. Good for us. They are in heaven. Good for them. We win and they win. Perfect.


This doesn't make any sense... When the parishioners become sick.. They know the pastor is lying...

If parishioners get sick, then the pastor will blame the parishioners for not believing with all their heart or some other bullshit like that.

@snytiger6 yes, unfortunately they will believe that nonsense until they die..

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