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LINK Even in a Pandemic, Andrew Cuomo Is Not Your Friend

"In chaotic times, New York governor Andrew Cuomo wants to convince you he is the calm, competent leader you need. It’s been effective — so effective you might miss that even in a pandemic, Cuomo is fighting to protect the rich and impose austerity, including devastating Medicaid cuts, on everyone else."

WilliamCharles 8 Mar 29

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My god, just compaire him to Trump instead of Ghandi.

Fucking A am I ever tired of this continual "why isn't this politician perfect?" whinny fucking bullshit when we currently have one of the most flawed people possible pretending to be the prez.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 30, 2020

Let me remind you just how we got the Orange Gutan in the first place...

The DNC was so insecure about their preferred nominee, that they felt they needed to cheat to ensure the desired result. They additionally felt that vote shaming and demanding all disgruntled voters whose primary votes were at times ignored completely as superdelegates cast their vote for Madam Pantsuit (Bernie won every county in MN, yet Sen Al Franken cast his superdelegate vote for HRC. Ain't democracy grand?). It was like the thief that stole your car demanding gas money immediately after.

The Wikileaks emails revealed a concerted effort to fluff Trump, arrogantly convinced he'd be the easiest candidate to beat as they were well aware of her substantial negative numbers (rivaling Trump's own negative numbers).

The Hildebeast thought she could coast to her coronation. She felt entitled to people's vote and therefore determined she needed to do nothing to win over progressive voters (as evidenced by Tim "Right to Work" Kaine for VP) and she said as much on the townhall with Rachel Maddow. This was echoed by Chuck Schumer when he famously declared that they would gain 2 to 3 moderate Republican voters for every progressive vote they would not. They did not comprehend that offering little to nothing creates a lack of enthusiasm and people stay home. The campaign strategy of "The other person is worse and where else are you gonna go anyway?" did not produce the results they expected

She played chicken with the fate of nation in her pursuit of power... and LOST. It was not the Russians who insisted she ignore key swing districts. It was hers to lose, and "My Turn" was not as compelling as they were sure it was.

I will not fall in line when they go out and foist yet another deeply flawed candidate on us. Blue No Matter Who was the mantra, yet some were still qualifying it with regard the Bernie. Bernie supporters were/are truthful when insisting they would reject awful corporate candidates. Yet if the mainstrem Dem voters are telling the truth about BNMW, then Bernie is the smart bet. And it would lock in the youth vote for the party for years to come (Bernie's numbers in this area across all demographics are through the roof).

You have to ask yourself why they do not go this route. It is because Establishment Dems are in their death throes as they fight to maintain their stranglehold on the party.

They have demonstrated beyond argument that they'd rather lose with a entrist than win with a progressive.

Fuggum. They can fall in line or go the way of the Whigs.

Make an argument for your candidates, whomever they are. And don't be surprised when insisting that a "hold your nose" candidate is somehow a "safe" bet.


Thank you for sharing this. Very revealing about Cuomo's dark side even as he appears to be so much more competent and reasonable than Trump in this crisis. It all makes sense now how the corporate media is now making him a star on the national stage so that he can be set as the Dem nominee for prez four years from now and run on his response to the virus. Like the way Gulianni ran on 9-11. Another billionaire-loving neoliberal corporatist. He should be the perfect DNC choice then.

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