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To the Theists here...

Science can't explain everything. Is that the reason theists believe in a God that explains what science can't? You know, the whole design/designer argument...

Hominid 7 Nov 22

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@VinceRichardson - I think we're getting to understand you more as you explain yourself. In light of that, I'm curious if you believe in any of the following:

  1. The innerancy of the bible
  2. That the bible is the inspired word of god.
  3. That there is only one true God (the one of the bible)

...or is it your belief that "God" is a creative force, as opposed to an individual entity as depicted in the 3 Abrahamic religions? You see where I'm going with this?

Thanks for the post,
No I don't beleive the Bible is the word of god but would qualify that by saying it is an attempt to understand god.
No idea if there is only one true god,my gut feeling is probably yes,but of it was the case there was more than one I wouldn't get so upset about it...I do love a bit of science fiction ; )

And yes I do believe god is a creative force that has set something in motion and we are very much at the forefront of that. I would go as far to say we are all part of god, since he is within all of us.

Ah, okay. You a Neil Donald Walsh fan then?

Never read anything by him but will look him up thanks.

Okay I have now read some of what he says and yes I would say I very much concur with what he is saying. Do you accept what he says or was it just an interesting perspective for you?

Well, I like the idea that ALL of the universe, including us, is "God" in a sense that it is the manifestation of something creative. But the fact that "God" would converse with an individual through channeled writings is a bit of a stretch for me. There's a lot of what he wrote that really blew my mind, but I'm of the opinion that we all have the ability to tap into what I call a common (or cosmic?) consciousness that we all share; it's something that explains things like common archetypes across mankind; common architecture across the earth (pyramids), etc. Just a theory...

Yes that's what I would say too.I think I tuned in to that sort of view a long while ago. There is much we cannot explain for sure but I suddenly leaped onto a different plane of belief a few years back. Much as Walsh says I had a holy moment(even though that still makes me laugh a bit)I lost my fear of dying ,everything seems to have purpose ,the world looks very different to me now. there no doubt we are very much part of the Universe and not separate form it....just seems logical that is quite reassuring.There is nothing to worry about. I have often wondered am I just aneathatising myself from life? Possibly, but it feels good all the same.
I would say humans have a common spirituality too, which is proven by the similar types of spiritual thinking we see from totally separate/independent cultures.It's happened over and over. Good book I read on that by karen Armstrong

The book looks great, tho I'm in Canada and even the Kindle version is $15.00 which irritates me! Anyway, I'll pick it up some time soon.

Great chatting with you!


I wouldn't say science can't explain everything. I'd say science hasn't explained everything. That in no way repudiates the scientific method, however.


That is exactly the reason religions arose.


Ok I'll try again. No the fact that science can't explain everything is not the reason I believe in a creator,nor does it make me reject what science discovers.


Okay I ne where and can't seem to rpely to individual replies,s o i'll do it here hopefully all wiull see it.
Silvereyes,I believe after having read about the history of the early Christians,I came across Gnosticism.This led to me to try meditation and I eventually had an epxerience that convinced me that we are not alone...I can't explain exactly why, it was a gut feeling, I felt it in my stomach, which sounds very odd and it shook the life out me,Ive not been the same person ever since.
Davtime no i don't talk to my creator its just there, always has been I guess

Evidentialist ,nice article but I read these tyoe of articles often and we run round in circles .The article actually says science cannot prove or disprove god...I don't expect it to.It just something you feel or you don't.

I would also add,my creator is everyhwere, in everything, its in all of us we are part of it as is every other atom in the Universe and whatever other universes exist. Jesus actually says this too in the Gospel of Thomas (non canonical {gnostic}gospel)

Gospel of Thomas saying 77b.
Jesus said: "Split wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, you will find me there."

Sorry to quote Jesus ,I do realise it grates on many atheists...i used to be one!

Thomas,I have heard of Spinoza but I have not read much of his work,maybe should make an effort. This teaching is quite common and it does strikes a chord with me. It is the the case that even Jesus was teaching somthing like this if you read early gnostic .
scripture from the early 1st and 2nd centuries.

Davtim,I do not consder myself religious at all since I follow no religion. I cannot disagree about your brain proposition but then again the brain has evolved to be what it is, it is still entirely possible that this was the plan all along,sentient conscious thinking,its what separates us ouy as special (as you say)from the rest of the animal kingdom...we have free will to do with it as we please....which is a quite profound power.


Turn the agression down a tad its not really necessary. I'm not indoctrinating anyone nor have I ever done. I don't even know what you would call what it is I do believe, which is not a good start for indoctrination. we just aving a debate far as I'm concerned you seem a bit agitated about something , though i know religiosn are vexing please don't associate me with religiois types. I f you don't agree fair enough we all entitled to an opinion.
I just pass on just what I have picked up here and there. I can quote Sufi ,Bhuddha .Kabbalah Judaism,Taoism as well as NT.They all have something within of value, the fact that humans then use this to manipluate others is without question bit thats a power thing and does not take away what spiritual teachers were teaching. No one needs a preacher/priest/mullah/Rabbi, you must find out for yourself is all I am saying so cool yer heels you shouting at the wrong target.
I do dare say we are the only ones with the ability to distinguish between right and wrong . I love animals as much as anyone and they are important part of the planet but we have a role alotted to us that they just don't in my view .We have a duty of care to all animals.

By the way the scripture I quoted in not in the Bible.It was from the gospel of Thomas which was deemed heretic by the Catholic church.


Not all theists believe there was a creator.

Hm... perhaps I should have specified the God of the 3 Abrahamic religions. Unless I'm not following you...


I'm not a theist, but I've heard theists make that argument. It's a god-if-the-gaps argument: if we don't know the answer, then somehow that opens the door for speculation to be taken as fact. I think we, as a species, tend to be very uncomfortable with out own limits to knowledge.


Science explains more ever day,I love science. I believe there is a creator and science is merely dicovering some of the incredible workings of the universe,the two subjects are not opposite in my view, they can exist together quite well . All we are doing is discovering how this universe works, scientists doent have to prove or disprove a creator,but I know many of them still do think about it.They are still human as well.

Way to skirt the question... 😉

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