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How do you deal with people who believe The Noah’s Ark story to be a true word for word recounting of the story ?

JoeDime22 4 Nov 22

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Ask them how penguins got to the Middle East ?


How do you deal with people who believe in Noah?
Change the subject and offer them coffee.
I have a hard time not laughing.


Hey, they built one in kentucky !


I don't.


I laugh at them.

I might explain that the blood stories probably orgfinated at the end of the last ice age when the sea levels rose and filled in what is now the Mediterranean and Red Seas. As the events occurred logn before writing, the stories were passed dopwn by word of mouth and hanged over time, mostly to answer questions perhaps asked by kids, like "Where did all the water come from? and "How did all the animals survive?"


As a Naval Architect, if they continue to press after I tell them they are entitled to believe anything they wish, I will give them the famous Jacobs March through the Technical Destruction of the Great Flood Story and watch them as they scurry away while the water goes down the drain.


I would simply say the following and walk away: " You can choose to believe anything you want to, but all of the historical, geological, and cultural evidence of the world says that Noah's ark is sheer myth."


Nothing you can do if they are a bible literalist.


If someone tells me I am a atheist I always will asset no I am not. Sometimes they will ask me, "but you don't believe in God" and I will say 8 don't know if there is a God, that's why I thin I am an agnostic. The most of the time ppl don't know what an agnostic person is so they will ask what it is.
After explaining they are mostly OK with that. But not always...


There are a couple of ways of dealing with it.

  1. You can go with the "The Story's a Rip Off" mode and show them info about the epics of Gilgamesh, Atrahasis, and Ziusudra. Some YEC types are prepared for part of this one (e.g.: Ken Ham) so you should continue to

  2. You should go through all of the areas of science that directly dispute the flood myth. AronRa has a series that hits most of the high points. I would be very surprised if a non professional Creationist could even come close to addressing all of those points - there's no way anyone really can debunk any of them.


I actually don't know of anyone personally who believes that's literal, or at least nobody I've had a conversation with about it. I'm sure if I think about who my fundamentalist friends are I could get an idea of who thinks that story is true, but fortunately I've never had to deal with it in conversation.

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