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What is one original thought you have never heard expressed by anyone else?

Anemynous 7 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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To defeat death, one must die.


melt all the guns


Half of Availability is ability, not desire. I would say this to employees who said they would be available to be called in, but none of them were ever able when you called them.


Eating monthong durian is an existential experience; you become one with pure pleasure...

Pic: I'm eating monthong durian on Penang Island, Malaysia.


I would have said "curling ville være lettere med lettere steiner" but it has already been taken.
"I think therefore I am" nope, been done.
"mutual love is an intersubjective experience" I thought was one of mine, but nope, Google says otherwise.
Ok yeah I think I actually have.
But it is hard to explain and is about the perceptions of people we know. And how we don't know the whole person, then there is the Schrodingers cat thing about what we think they will be doing when in fact they have been dead for 5 years. I sent something to someone years ago when her father died, they printed it for the funeral which surprised me. Basically along the lines that the person we know exists only in our brains, every other person knows them differently as does the person himself. So when someone dies, the person we knew can still exist in our brain. It takes a very long time to explain, so I won't.

Oh look, a shiny thing, I have to go over there.

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