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Trump stated (not that it means much given the source) that Governors had the control over the managing of the pandemic in their individual state. Michigan Gov. instituted very strict nonmobility regulations for its population. Given the intensity of the virus outbreak in Michigan, it was not unressonable.

Republicans working on the myth of the rugged individualism of Americans came out on protest in several capitals. They falsely believe that nobody can order them to do anything they do not want to do, even their government in a time of pandrmic.

If that was not bad enough, minutes after the President finished watching FOX News (less than 33 minutes to be exact) tweeted the following, "LIBERATE MINNESOTA", "LIBERATE MICHIGAN" and then "LIBERATE VIRGINIA".

At a time like this when he reinforced the Governors right to run their state is he fomenting revolution against these Governors and undercutting them. He is encouraging protestors to endanger their lives. but more importantly the lives of others.

t1nick 8 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I think he's trying to use the virus and social upheaval to justify suspension of federal elections.

JimG Level 8 Apr 18, 2020

I wouldnt be surprised at all.


What a dick? And I don't say that lightly.

Is he trying to foment civil war? Or a revolution? Man what a twatapotamus....!

I have zero respect for that idgit. He's an embarrassment to this nation.

I agree. He got voted in with a promise to do things in a different way. Definitely not business as usual.

Now this move serves at least four purposes.

  1. it's another attempt to deflect from the fact that he has bungled the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Dawdling and denying throughout February and early March.
  2. To deflect that he has no workable plan to get the economy back on track in a safe manner. Too many holes and weaknesses in the plan, plus no plan to start the testing necessary to document the actual spread and extent of the virus;
  3. To undermine all the Governors (especially the Democratic Governors) who challenged his mistaken authority the last few days;
  4. To energize his base and get them worked up since he cannot really have a regular political rally (using bully pulpit as a faux political rally).

@t1nick I entirely agree. It's horrifying to watch.

I back my State government 100 percent right now. They've been doing their best.
I hope they continue to completely ignore him. There's no other safe and sane way through this.

Agreed. From an outsider’s viewpoint he gives America a ridiculous caricature of what a lot of people think anyway. Basically, America is filled with idiotic, narcissists who have no idea that there is a world outside of their borders.

We know that’s not true but he ain’t no ambassador for his country!

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