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Why is the Satanic Temple officially recognised as a tax-exempt religious organisation. As such, it has been claiming the same rights and privileges as those obtained by evangelical Christian groups.

Makes no sense to me, as it opens up a conflict of interest with humanity and offer very little wisdom or human advancement.

Unlike Arts and culture that has been with humankind for alot longer than religion. Arts and culture has had much greater influence throughout human history dating back 100,000 years.

For example, parts of Europe pays 2% of their taxes towards the arts and culture. It attracts touristism, education for everyone and crosses language barriers of lifestyles and different ways of thinking.

Even Jesus helped the poor and sick most and angered at the wealthy. Certainly a great image, for our weakest link of humanity is only as strong as our weakest link. Why not pay the poorest profession like artist with money and support for a vital society and sharp nervious system. Rather than pay a Sky Daddy who offers the greatest in conflicts. More people die in the name of God, than for any other reason. Senseless to pay for the worst virtues and the worst retirement plan, hell for most people.

A constructive solution
Your thoughts.

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Forever is a very long time. My style is to always
be open, I learn more. Most US presidents were lawyers, sorry I have little faith. My faith lays in 80% consciousness of the people, the true leaders throughout human history.

Proper nouns such as your name should only be spelled with the first letter capitalized only. ... Corporations are spelled with capital letters. That is right your name in all capital letters is a corporation set up for you by the UNITED STATES Corporation. Another truth is that your Federal Government is a Corporation. Liquidity capitalism or your owners. I am into freemarket capitalist system. I think corporationism is most dangerous for humanity and greed is the worst virtue in the world.

Being an artist I do check to see if I am crazy. It's the ones that don't check, probably are. I love my work for 43 years. No other group like the Government is disliked by 80% of the public. There is something mentally wrong there!!! Exspeacially when a person spends most waking hours of their lives,... working.


Churches subsidized by state is (or should be) unconstitutional.

They have the right to assemble, they can do a non profit business on the side to support their group.

Just not the right to not pay their share of the taxes. They are tax free, everyone else is not. Artist are poorer than pensioner, where is their tax break? Also I don't make it a sin or make people feel quilty if they don't buy my art.


What are those rights and privileges? If the group is non-profit what is there to tax? Remember that we have a right to peaceably assemble.


Why is the secret religion of the Masonic Lodge secret religion racist devil worshipers, most commonly and publicly known as the government of the United States of America, since the Masonic Lodge secret religion racist devil worshipers freedom from England July 4, 1776, being lead by the angelic lord of host lucifer the devil most commonly known as Jesus the Christ, tax exempt?

Revelations 13:16-17 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Beast is metaphor for government, laws of government and/or body of enforcing governmental officals.

Mark of the beast-666 is riddle and metaphor for the requirement of having identification for taxation and government control in a capitalism slave labor commercial controlling government.

Word Level 8 Apr 18, 2020

You're a crazy troll.

Some truth to it. Religion is used as a tool for our owners to economically enslave us and control the mass. The US Government is a corporation and its president is not of a country, yet of a leader of a corporation. Many Presidents in the pass have warn the people of secret society running everything. Even the US military is the largest corporation in the world and it takes often decision without democratic approval. The military idea of safety, is danger to our freedom and our true security.

Organized superstition, like Religion is another distraction and tool to walk away with your money and limit our freedom.

@Castlepaloma No, he (Word- I can't remember what his prior username was) is just a troll. Quoting from Revelation as if it is a real prophetic vision, and moreover, as if the Social Security System is a sign of the Apocalypse, is just trolling the atheists. Furthermore, he pastes this same basic quote pretty much every time he responds to anything.

The U.S. Government is not a "corporation" in anything except the imagination of conspiracy theorists. Please find me one quote of a former President warning of "a secret society running everything".

THE UNITED STATES (in capitals) isn't a country; it's a corporation! ... Plus your name in capitals on your ID is not your real name. The corporation was created for the District of Columbia, aka Washington, D.C. (not even a state), via the Act of 1871. THE UNITED STATES corporation operates under private international law with their own corporate constitution.Oct 11, 2015.

JFK and Lyndon Johnson often had speeches of the take over of secret society.

@Castlepaloma government and religion is rather synonymous.

@Paul4747. Incorporation means the process of constituting a company, city, or other organization as a legal corporation.

The constitution is the document that incorporated the United States government.

United States of America is a corporation.

@Paul4747 Apocalypse means in original construction of the word "Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal’, from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover’.".

Revelations means in short to reveal.

You and many other people apply this definition because with in this "revealing " there is such storylines of destruction. the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation.
(especially in the Vulgate Bible) the book of Revelation.
singular proper noun: Apocalypse.

There really is error to thing the apocalypse is about destruction, but it's about a revealing of the fact the government is establishment as the secret religion of the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers and their establushment of the mark of the beast 666 requiring identification for taxation and government control.


"Plus your name in capitals on your ID is not your real name."

Okay, I'm just going to address this bit of drivel before I say goodbye forever.

This is a fictitious argument invented decades ago. Your name is your name, no matter what construction is placed on the letters. As an actual lawyer writes, "In fact, names are not written in capital letters on all legal documents and doing so is really more a question of style than anything else. Over my twenty plus years as an attorney, I have prepared hundreds of legal documents. Sometimes they were prepared with names all in capitals; sometimes they were not. I think perhaps that capital letters are more likely to be used when the parties to the document are less sophisticated in order to emphasize the significance of the document they are about to sign."

My source here (which took all of 5 minutes to find) is Quora, and on the same page is a copy of a Louisiana birth certificate on which a person's name is typed out with only the first letters of the name capitalized- blowing a hole in the idea that people are uniformly assigned some fictional legal strawman identity from birth. []

The simple, non-conspiratorial truth is that block capital letters are easier to read on a form. That's all it is. It's the choice of the jurisdiction involved whether or not to use all caps on a document.

The line of reasoning you're following is all part of the Sovereign movement, of which I'm well aware. I don't know whether you accept those ideas in full, and frankly I don't care, but if you do, be aware that I consider you all a bunch of raving nutters. Imagining that the U. S. is "owned" by England or the Vatican, filing false leins against people for using their "copyrighted" name, claiming that the Federal Government doesn't actually have any authority... and all based on "logic" that I can poke a wet noodle through. I once read someone arguing that he could get out of speeding tickets by calling the radar detector as a witness, and that the judge dismissed the case because the piece of machinery wasn't able to testify. Bullshit.

Your name on a document is just.... your name on a document, no matter the capitalization. You're only a corporation if you incorporate yourself under the law. And the word "incorporated" has several different meanings, as in "incorporated township" versus "Boeing Corporation". When you deliberately confuse the meanings, all you're doing is deluding yourself.

Have a nice life. Seek professional mental help.

@Castlepaloma Just one more thing.

In a criminal case in 2013, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington noted:

'Defendant [Kenneth Wayne Leaming] is apparently a member of a group loosely styled "sovereign citizens". The Court has deduced this from a number of Defendant's peculiar habits. First, like Mr. Leaming, sovereign citizens are fascinated by capitalization. They appear to believe that capitalizing names have some sort of legal effect. For example, Defendant writes that "the REGISTERED FACTS appearing in the above Paragraph evidence the uncontroverted and uncontrovertible FACTS that the SLAVERY SYSTEMS operated in the names UNITED STATES, United States, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and United States of America ... are terminated nunc pro tunc by public policy, U.C.C. 1-103 ..." (Def.'s Mandatory Jud. Not. at 2.) He appears to believe that by capitalizing "United States", he is referring to a different entity than the federal government. For better or for worse, it's the same country.

Second, sovereign citizens, like Mr. Leaming, love grandiose legalese. "COMES NOW, Kenneth Wayne, born free to the family Leaming, [date of birth redacted], constituent to The People of the State of Washington constituted 1878 and admitted to the union 22 February 1889 by Act of Congress, a Man, "State of Body" competent to be a witness and having First Hand Knowledge of The FACTS ..." (Def.'s Mandatory Jud. Not. at 1.)

Third, Defendant evinces, like all sovereign citizens, a belief that the federal government is not real and that he does not have to follow the law. Thus, Defendant argues that as a result of the "REGISTERED FACTS", the "states of body, persons, actors and other parties perpetuating the above-captioned transaction(s) [i.e., the Court and prosecutors] are engaged ... in acts of TREASON, and if unknowingly as victims of TREASON and FRAUD ..." (Def.'s Mandatory Jud. Not. at 2.)

The Court, therefore, feels some measure of responsibility to inform Defendant that all the fancy legal-sounding things he has read on the internet are make-believe ...'

You might want to keep this ruling in mind.


“opens up a conflict of interest with humanity and offer very little wisdom or human advancement”

How so?

Conflict is presenting your group with a false image of your true intentions. Processing to be an organizion with Satan would drive more conflicts to an already delusional group and anabler to further their harm. Start with your true ID, reason and logic from there.

@Castlepaloma How is that different to some of the other religious groups, particularly some Christian groups.

How is the Satanic Temple different from other Religions?

Satanic temple is a fake Religion ,along with Zionist who are fake Jews, they both should not be tax free profession nor even a Registered Religion. Satanic Temple does not believe in a supernatural Satan. The Temple uses the literary Satan as a metaphor to promote pragmatic skepticism, rational reciprocity, personal autonomy, and curiosity. Satan is thus used as a symbol representing "the eternal rebel" against arbitrary authority and social norms.

I'm more of an Anarchist and can understand in part why their movement exist. I'm not against anything because being against something is part of the problem. Religion has the right to practice their belief, no matter how rediculous they are. I'm a fantasy and historical artist most times. I stay away from promoting religion and politics in my art, and exspeacially them. Due to I think religion and fake Religions do more harm than good.


At least most atheist have the integrity to call out, atheist, is not a Religion. Although, it is registered by the US administration as a religion. How are they not set up like a temple or tax exempt?

Where Satanic is a fake religion, a BS religion to the Bible's belief that Satan believes in God, atheist do not. So it makes no sense to me other than it's still promoting God and wasting society hard earn money to bs cause.

My only two commandments is to be honest and don't harm. What else is a more dishonest than a religion thats promoting Satan? Satan who is God's direct adversary. God's always talking shit about Satan, it's a vicious cycle.

Where there is deep honesty, and promotions of well being in the Arts and culture as a much better alternative than a regurgitative religion of BS. Arts and culture deserves to get a tax break as one of the highest form of human services. Let's stop the crap of stealing our tax dollars on another BS religion.


The Satanic Temple is tax exempt because it is a recognized and registered charity, not because it is a religion.
They don't worship anyone or anything and are in fact an agnostic organization that campaigns against the damage done to people and society by religion and literal bible teachings. They help in cult recovery and such like, campaign for equal and human rights.
It is NOT to be confused with the Church of Satan or the First Satanic Church

Well stated Len.

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