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We could do with a little more of this here.

MissKathleen 9 Apr 17

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If only the Republicans followed these commandments....this might be a better world.


Very nicely done.


Here, there, and everywhere.

Can you imagine White House briefings for the past couple of months if this was applied "with extreme prejudice"?

It makes me wonder why the geniuses at Google etc. can't build an AI system that will spot and flag all such fallacies?


I want to replace “Thou shalt not” with, ...maybe, “Hey, Asshat, don’t”, or ‘Dammit, Shit For Brains, don’t you”. There’s no end to the possibilities.


Above all think for yourself!!!

Morals and ethics should not have to be taught!!!


I'd like to add "no appeal to authority" and "no god of the gaps" as well.

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