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I am not a people person, & this just reinforces my feelings about them. Nobody but the mummy & daughter know their personal circumstances. Back way off, & mind your own business, I say.


She has no neighbors or families with other small kids so she could do reciprocal arrangements?
This is BS, kids cannot keep their hands off things & it is cruel to make them try!
My Cosco says one person per cart, period!

That social distancing thing... should you be asking neighbors to watch your kids now? I have a coworker who has family gatherings every weekend, and I'm really NOT pleased that she is still coming into the office every week. I believe if I get COVID it will be from her. There are lots of hard choices to be made now, I would not criticise the mom for taking her daughter to the store with her. We don't know what or who she has at home.

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