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Turning into the seamstress Edna in "The Incredibles."

Ah, the joys of a stay-at-home order...

Finally finished sewing this denim jacket. The bottom got a bit rumpled taking this photo today. Actually, I made the hem even.

To make matters worse, I ineptly trimmed my bangs. My hairstylist usually thins them. Hair is growing longer and thicker. Hairstylist usually thins my hair, too.

Keep this up and I will look like the seamstress Edna from "The Incredibles" or a mini-Sasquatch.

How are you dealing with personal grooming?

LiterateHiker 9 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Hair looks great but i have never seen a pic where you have not,So far mine is getting longer and thicker curling up at the back


Remember the long hairstyles of the mid sixties? Well, I've lost ten years off my age.


Your hair and jacket both look great!


Thank you so much!


Mine's easy. I've been cutting my own hair for decades.


I am just letting it go, my hair that is. You on the other hand are looking good, not like Edna who will be looking this way for a while.


Thank you.


I don't have much hair, but I do normally get a haircut every 2 weeks. Soon, I'm going to try doing my own buzz cut. I'll have to use a camera to see the back of my head. Maybe I'll broadcast it live on Facebook.

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