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Universal Basic income is the topic of discussion. I believe it could work when used properly. I read andrew yangs book "the war on normal people". Great points. Any fresh thoughts on UBI?

MrChange 7 Apr 22

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Sounds like Communism.. (most) Humans are inherently lazy, and it only takes one for that concept to break down. Either co-workers, the media, or right-wing political machines will focus on ‘them’ - ie the welfare queen, and the campaign to ‘repeal and (not) replace’ begins...

Proper taxation on extreme wealth is the answer. Allowing that to subsidize health care, education, housing, day care, social security… that’s what needs doing. Nothing radical, and, unlike Communism - it worked -- ‘America’ once had a Middle-class.

Varn Level 8 Apr 23, 2020

Interesting take. Unfortunately, whatever worked in the past is not working now. A small "study" was done in Finland. They stated the opposite of what you believe to be true about lazy humans. Only time will tell the truth. Excellent points tho.

@MrChange I’d watched the former Soviet Union fairly close when young, and listened to Pravda via short band radio (their English addition). Then, watched it fall apart. Dictatorial Communism ultimately didn’t work for them..

I’d love to drift toward the Socialism of the Norwegian Nations. I’ve family in Sweden, and though ‘they envy our freedoms,’ I envy their quality of life 🙂 Most such nations, including Germany I believe, place limits on upper income. With that, the hideous excesses of US corporate barons should definitely be fed back to the society on which they prosper.

Having put a damper (to the extent possible) on some of the angry ‘Bernie’ promotions (basically Biden-bashing) around here, what they don’t/ didn’t know was I agree with his desires prettymuch 100%. Why I’ve ‘disagreed’ is that his method of demanding they happen - without a Senate 'super-majority,’ The House of Reps, and perhaps The Supreme Court -- won’t work ...and would likely cripple progressives and their movement for decades..

If we can obtain a serious Democratic majority in the institutions above, every Democrat I’ve ever met would plow ahead as fast as possible … beginning with a viable, Federally enforced, minimum wage. With that, and eventual healthcare for all US citizens (like every other civilized nation), and 2 years ‘free’ community college … we’d begin to catch up!

@Varn well stated on that front. We are sooo behind other nations. Do you thing that is directly contributed to the split philosophies of our Congress? It seems we can't ever get anything done without paralysis by analysis.

@MrChange I think government sponsored health care is a good example of ‘what got us here.’ Nixon had been given a congressional option of either government, or private healthcare; he chose private. Obviously, it made money for the owner class, and has become Industrialized (For Profit) Healthcare. I remember him describing ‘America’ as ‘rich enough industrially for our employers to provide it.’ Back then, most did.

As our nation continued to lose market share to competition from around the world, companies cut both ‘employer health care,’ and their pension plans … telling us we were ‘making enough to pay the premiums ourselves.’ As wages stagnated due to that increased world competition, working folks could not afford ‘private health care.’

Now, US Industry (what’s left of it) does not even want to contribute to a tax system that includes ‘single payer (government sponsored) healthcare.’ And in order to keep it from happening, as the need has become critically obvious, they’ve used their Reagan, Bush & trump tax cuts to fund non-stop political campaigns via industry funded propaganda networks to coerce our least educated to vote against their best interests ... in order to maintain their ‘god given right’ to: own whatever weaponry they want, keep gays in their place, or protect their untaxed churches. Unlimited ‘dark money’ is spent on ‘focus groups’ determining which hot-button issues will drive such fools to vote. And, it works.

The Democrats have no such funding or serious industrial backing … so rely on unpaid activists stirring up anger over any number of insignificant social issues.. They’re laughed at by those in power -- then trounced at the polls. The only thing that eventually gets Democrats elected is when some situation’s gotten so bad for the national majority that they ignore the Wrong-wing propaganda - and vote right!

Problem is, once they got their ‘Obama,’ for example - they failed to give him the continued support by electing ‘off-year’ Senators and Reps. needed to break the Republican stranglehold on the nation… Nothing gets done, the ugly R’s falsely blame Dem Themocrats ..average folks assume voting isn’t worth their time or effort ...let the minority party (the R’s) win, again … the R’s take total control of both houses of Congress, along with the presidency - cram through laws giving more power to their industrial masters - and further skew the election rules that help them win again… ...toss in a couple Supreme Court Extremist’s… and here we are


It would need to be a lot more than 1K a month...


I think the idea might work if set up and managed well. It might become necessary at some point as automation takes over and there are few jobs. In my version, UBI would replace all other social programs. It would have to be set up on a firm financial footing, and in my mind that means State Capitalism.

There are some serious obstacles. Our government won’t even balance the budget. How will they ever amass the funds needed for a meaningful public portfolio? And then here in the US we have this terrible healthcare problem that needs fixing first.

It’s a worthy goal IMO but would require radical changes and good leadership. State Capitalism in one form or another seems to be working for several countries.

Well stated. Good points.

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