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Here are some quotes from Nietzsche about women. I know, I am in trouble now.

– “Women may very well make friends with a man, but to maintain, there may need the assistance of a slight physical antipathy”

– “In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous”

– “Where they are involved neither love nor hate, the woman is a mediocre actress”

– “The cohabitation itself has been corrupted – by marriage”

– “What we do for love always takes place beyond good and evil”

– “Only love is barbarism, for it is to the detriment of all others. Was it the love of God”

– “In many loves, there is one who plays and one that is played; Cupid is primarily a small theater stage manager”

– “Woman is the second mistake of God”

Beowulfsfriend 9 Apr 25

Enjoy being online again!

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