I was discussing car repairs and I remembered this little anecdote from when my kids were teenagers. I had bought an old, and in pretty good shape Pontiac Fiero. It needed a radiator. So, I bought one, with the hoses, etc. Instead of putting it in myself, I decided that the kids could do something during their summer vacation one day. I was off to my summer job. I used to teach during the school year and work masonry in the summers. When I returned, the job was complete, and, I must say, well done. My, now ex, wife really wanted me to hear something that, I guess, disturbed her. She said listen to what your 14 year old daughter learned today. So, I asked my daughter, while examining the car. My daughter pointed and said, "That's a son of a bitch and that's a mother fucker." Well done older brothers. I always get a laugh out of that.
I wish my dad was an atheist. He would've given me a religious beatdown and washed my mouth out with soap.
I hate hypocrisy and would never punish anyone for swearing at something or an accident, etc. As a teacher, I only pointed out that it wasn't proper in certain places. Only once, maybe twice, did I punish a student for some swear words and I explained to them why - it wasn't the words, it was that they had used the words on someone else and I demanded that students give each other respect.
@Beowulfsfriend I think kids do test their parents to see how much leeway they get. The bar was set pretty low back in 1970.