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This was probably a bad choice.
While Lia is on her laptop doing her classes, ( Math right now) I searched Netflix for something new to watch on TV. I found Jericho. These series should come with a warning. Lia joined me halfway through the first episode. We are now watching it together. Not a good theme for people quarantined at home.
Any idea how many episodes there are? Are the guys with neck tattoos aliens?
You know what we will be doing this afternoon!

Spinliesel 9 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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That show still upset me because they cancelled it and it ends without offering us ay sense of closure. -.-


That’s one of the very first series that I binged shortly after subscribing to NetFlix. Highly addictive!

Zster Level 8 Apr 29, 2020

How bad does it get? Cannibalism? Can the 10-year-old watch this?

@Spinliesel It’s been years since I saw it, but I am a tad squeamish and think I would remember cannibalism. At 10 MY kids understood it. The whole nukes, bad guys, and such might haunt a kid’s thoughts a bit.

@Zster We watch it together, that way I can run interference and answer questions.

@Spinliesel That’s exactly how we watched it, too. Seems to work pretty well and can cover a wide range of important conversations.

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