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Millennial grand parents. What the future holds.


Beowulfsfriend 9 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I get that this is a common sentiment but I really don't see almost any pictures of meals on my social media.. mostlynselfies, pets and kids besides inspirational quotes or political and topical stuff.

MsAl Level 8 May 1, 2020

My phone photos are not of restaurant meals (at least not lately haha!) but are mostly the color of the sky on my evening walk today, yesterday, the day before that...

My grandsons video-chat with me often - but it's not so much chatting, it's them putting multiple filters on so I can barely recognize them, and the conversation is mostly me saying "oh, you're a tiger!" or "now, you're upside down!".. . Yep, they are that bored at home during the lockdown, when it's a fun activity to call grandma!

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