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Here's an interesting article on the death-rate of those infected by Covid-19 (as opposed to infection-only rate) amongst different ethnic groups in the UK. Even after allowing for factors such as geographic distributions and occupations, it seems that black people are more prone to die than white people, with people of Bangladeshi or Pakistani ethnicity. However, Indians and foreign born white people are similar to white people.


Petter 9 May 1

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It seems to affect those that are poor worse. Of course those who are poor tend to live where air quality is worse and other pollution issues that affect overall quality of life. The Mississippi River basin in the US has that issues as well, COVID is making the weak and sick weaker and sicker.

Ethnic groups with larger numbers of impoverished citizens don't have real health care in America but evidently that is not the only thing that is affecting these outcomes. Native American and African American citizens have always experienced more diabetis and blood pressure issues. Whether this is intrinsic to their lifestyles or only genetics is hard to determine. I suspect both play a part.

@Lorajay Exactly. The UK survey did try to compensate for such factors as much as possible.

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