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Any religious public figures that you admire?

Are there any religious public figures you admire? For me, I think I admire Desmond Tutu more than just about any other public figure.

cannon1975 6 Apr 3

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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Pope Francis. He seems rather progressive. I mean, for a Pope. I do like the Jesuits though.


Bishop Sheen


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
George LeMaître

Father Guido Sarducci

JimG Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

I respect (not sure I would say admire) any religious figure that walks the walk. Many have been named here. The current Pope (but certainly not the last one), the Dali Lama, the local parish priest risking jail to feed the homeless. There is a school of thought that Jimmy Carter was not a good president (I remain neutral), but that he is a great humanitarian. And isn't that better?

Ozman Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

When I was a believer I had a pastor, his wife had a stroke. And he went to the ends of the earth to help her. That I respect.

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