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The pandemic does not seem to be helping re the balance and value of labor by gender... []

Allamanda 8 May 6

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I found that somewhat amusing and not at all surprising as we homeschool, and rarely do I encounter a dad at any gathering or in any group on Facebook. Moms handle it. It’s treated I think the same as a domestic chore.

@Allamanda that must have been an amazing experience.


Just ignored the same from an angry, aging (mine), facebook ‘friend.’ Here, I’ll at least describe seeing men continue to do more demanding and dangerous work than women. If they’re compensated justly for such, the “balance and value of labor” will forever appear skewed toward them.

Even the father of daughters can reach the brink of tolerance when constantly confronted with such tripe.. If women don’t want men continuing to vote Republican ...they’d best learn to control their urge to lash out in such a passive aggressive manner..

Varn Level 8 May 6, 2020

@Allamanda For the last three months, no doubt considered ‘essential workers,’ I’ve watched three crews of around eight men rebuild sidewalks, rock walls and underground powerlines... I’ve admired them, often working at night, on their knees, through winter; the work remains grueling.

Your remark about men sitting in office chairs “feeling important” is key. It suggests envy, not a desire for equality. And mine is not “an argument,” but a fact of life. Every life expectancy chart I see continues to have men dying before women. So maybe they’ve earned their pay..

Continuing digs will lose support, not only from those who’d otherwise encourage you to make the most of your abilities, but from those who’ve no doubt had enough of what must now qualify as ‘open season on men.’

My facebook friend is again running for office. I’m too far to help, this time, but as she’s apparently comfortable tossing half her prospective votes, I’ll let her lose, again, in silence.. Here, I’ll continue to speak up 🙂

@Allamanda If you were a man, you’d feel it. Gay marriage is another subject.. Yes, women do all they can. What they can’t do is all a man can physically. Due to technology, that gap is closing, but will never disappear. I’d happily clean a toilet for whatever the guys (trading off) running that jack-hammer were making! ...far less than their bosses, no doubt.

Head out to a work site and a tremendous gap remains. I’d recently experienced it … a couple years ago (with little difference now) I was capable of outworking healthy young women in their twenties.. I didn’t demand a one-third increase in my wages before continuing, though that appeared the ratio of difference..

I’m witnessing a well worn litany of man gripes there … leading me to confirm, this is far deeper than playing catchup with wages.. So, the ‘facebook friend’ is my age, we’d worked close when I lived nearer her - and she’d posted the same thing you did (your lead link) - the same day. She’s again running for office, has never won in ...four attempts.. Yet is willing and eager to bash men? The connection appeared obvious.

Though not a woman, I raised two. It’s wonderful to find them adding to their relationships in every way possible … and their men doing the same. And with a lifetime of observation.. ..I’ve come to appreciate those who celebrate the same. Looking for division is a good way to start wars, but one can only ignore it long.


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