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This is why, it is now being said, that the new world order based on neoliberal precepts is wrong and it is nearing a demise. How is it reasonable, how can it be thought of it as just or fair, in what conception of equitable human existence fits that, in the middle of a pandemic that is killing scores of people, there are those who want to safeguard vaccine research so that it is not stolen by, in this case, the Chinese. What should be happening, for the benefit of humanity, is that all this information should be shared readily and freely so as to quickly produce the vaccine that will save lives. And anyone arguing that this kind of research costs money, and uses that argument to justify keeping information from others that could use it, is blind to the fact that people and human life is more important than profit. And there in lies the cancer that makes neoliberalism untenable.


Rodatheist 7 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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