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This is our new reality. I am attending the Texas State Democratic Convention. Unlike in previous years, when I would meet other delegates and candidates, this year's convention is all on-line. I don't like it, I think it makes it much harder for those of us in the minority to influence the final outcomes. I do agree with it for this year, since there is no safe way that we could hold something of this size and this geographically diverse.

I know that other states and other parties are struggling with the same issues. I really believe we must all insure that this is a one time occurrence, only in response to a health crisis and that we take measures to see it is not necessary again.

The makeup of this convention will be different than any before and I hope that those that take part this year will stick around and be back in 2 years.

How you you reacting to changes in social structure, political, social and personal.

glennlab 10 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm doing ok as I am a semi-retired home office worker. Largely introverted so I don't miss frequent meet-ups. Most of my best friends are overseas so online chat and video is common for us. I hope to be able to travel freely again by next spring.
What I miss most is 1. Goodwill bookshelves, 2. Fred Meyer olive bar, 3. sitting in my local bar, drinking draft ale, eating pizza, scrolling through the bad news...


At this moment I'm about to lose my mine!

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