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Cognitive Dissonance

Anismail 5 May 22

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Illogical atheist get this all the time when confronted with the fact gods exist.

Word Level 8 May 23, 2020

"...confronted with the fact gods exist", I'd like to see those facts.

Priapus seems like he would be a lot of fun.

@nogod4me Not understanding or accepting the evidence is a major factor illogical atheist do not handle well. The reasoning can range from, simply the fact that an illogical atheist is not educated on the facts, to the point of some illogical atheist being dishonest evil wicked bias people and simply not accepting the truth for what it is because they have no personal integrity. There is evidence that a style of god exist. This style of god that has been accepted to exist is not Harry Potter, Willy Wanka nor specifically proving all powerful knowledge to be known instantly at each end of infinity in every direction. Nonetheless, A style of god has been overwhelmingly approved to exist AND it does not require that ALL styles of gods be proven.
For brevity not all references will be specifically cited: Biblical text has in it's writings that people are accepted to be gods. John 10:34 Jesus answered saying "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? 3 things that shows support for biblical text as written:

  1. Guinness book of world record for most copies of a book of it's kind.
  2. Peer reviewed for at least almost 2000 years.
  3. Christian is now what a person can be called because they accept what it written as to what Jesus character said. There is infact many people that label themselves as Christian.
    Atheism by defination and premise is infact incorrect, wrong or illogical.

@Word That is the most laughable nonsense I have read in a while. You haven't proven anything, you are just spewing unsubstantiated claims, making up nonsense, and making false claims.

There is no evidence that a god exists, if there was even the slightest bit of evidence that a god did exist, believers would exploit it until it bled.

I think the lack of integrity lies in those who make up nonsense to justify their beliefs, declare it to be "truth", and then condemn others for not accepting their delusions.

Just prove your god exists, if it is as evident as you say it is then it should be quite easy to prove.

@nogod4me God is not my name. I really do exist. People such as me and you are accepted to be gods. YOUR defination of a God may NOT exist. This is evidence of YOUR cognative dissonance kicking in. Reread the original post so you can realize how you are now thinking.

@Word You sound insane.

@nogod4me it is cognitive dissonance you are again dealing with. Maybe there is someway you could get help for it. The original post does not provide such a thing as a remedy.

@Word You sound even more insane.

@nogod4me Well, thank you.

insane - 2.
shocking; outrageous.
"they were making insane amounts of money"
astonishingly good or impressive; amazing.

@Word I notice that you, like many believers, like to wallow in ignorance and pick and choose what you believe.

I was actually referring to the primary definition:


  1. in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.
    "he had gone insane"

However, since you are a god, you would know that already.

@nogod4me maybe I am a believer?


As a child I was taught to always listen to that 'still small voice' of my conscience, telling me when something I was doing, or even contemplating, just wasn't right. Later in life, that same voice became too loud for me to ignore as I re-read the Holy Bible. "Something here just wasn't right!" it said. It had become the voice of reason, which literally could not be quieted.

Like ripping out your eyes because Jesus said it would be better than looking at someone in lust. Faith says to do it, reason says it would be insane to do it.

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