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What do you normally eat for lunch?

I made Chicken Alfredo last night and brought in the leftovers to work. I normally will eat soup, a salad, or a sandwich for lunch.

ballou 8 Apr 4

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I eat seasonal. During the winter (non garden months) I make and freeze casseroles in individual portions, usually vegetarian and grab one to heat for lunch every day. I may also take veggies and hummus. Or I take leftovers, especially the day after I have my kids over for dinner, if they leave any left overs. During the summer I eat salads from the veggies grown in my garden, and some from the farmer's market. Again, mostly vegetarian. I snack on mixed nuts at work. I like to eat cheap and healthy.


Once a week I go to lunch with a friend. Occasionally, if I have little time or forgot food, I'll eat a Clif bar and a smoothie.

Other than that, I bring food from home (leftovers, etc.) and always retreat to my car or a file room with a door, table and chair. I need that hour by myself most days.


I like to bring leftovers from dinner. I'm off today, so tomorrow's lunch will be leftover homemade French onion soup

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