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LINK Coronavirus is spiking disproportionately in counties that voted for Trump in 2016

Makes sense to me. People who voted for Trump as less likely to take the pandemic seriously, and are more likely to see restrictions on gatherings as a violation of their rights instead of guidelines to help fight a pandemic.

snytiger6 9 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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It looked like I had better be even more careful.


Why am I not surprised?


Cool 😎karma

bobwjr Level 10 May 26, 2020

And here’s the other side of the coin:


Ummmm, you don"t think that is because NY numbers are skewing the picture? How could it not? Texas & NC are going to be in Serious trouble very very soon, along with other Southern States

Of course that’s all it is, just population density.

I keep hearing how the South is going to be in serious trouble because we are fat, barely alive. Ignorant, stubborn, Republican, racist, evangelical, etc. but so far we seem to be riding it out fine.


The only reason for the lockdown was to slow the spread so hospitals would not be inundated, and to give more time for a vaccine to be developed. At some point we will all have been exposed and will either be immune or dead.

In another scenario we will kill each other in a burst of violent sectional and political warfare.

@WilliamFleming as a person who once lived in the South, a small town on the Al-Ga border, still segregated in the late 60 's, it was indeed every stereotype "live & in person". My FIL was a local Dragon, ffs.

@AnneWimsey I know, you told me before about your bad experience at Eufaula. I am very sorry that happened to you.




Good. Thin the goddamn herd.

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