Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask and ask for money.
I will not be asking for money but I have to go to a teller to deposit a cheque (unfortunately the check is US currency and the dam bank accounts I have here will not let me deposit foreign currency cheques in to the ATM machines).
Me too! That was my feeling exactly! It's surreal!
We were instructed to wear masks into any business, with banks exempt, which I thought meant we should not wear a mask into a bank (I've been told to take off my hat in the past, for goodness sakes!) so luckily I had a mask handy to quickly put on, when the security officer said, "you're okay to wear a mask" in a hint hint kind of way.
Of course where I bank, they call me by name before I even show them my slip, so there is that familiarity in a small place. We all know that the local residents are covid-free unless they haven't seen you in a while, which means traveling, and that's where the mask is going to be necessary, so it's all good. If a local resident was going to rob one of our banks, sure thing someone in the bank would know him/her, with or without a mask, since we are not having newcomers coming and going at this time.
I almost want to make a mask that says "Hi! It's me, Julie!" haha! I hate wearing a mask, but I do so in preparation for what is to come, once we start having outsiders (tourists) coming back to our little island.
In addition to wearing a mask, I think we should have to wear a name tag. Recently at my local grocery, a lady and I exchanged glances several times and I'm thinking I should know that person but only seeing her hair and eyes, I just wasn't sure, so neither of us spoke, though she kept looking at me as if she thought she recognized me. "Name tags for ALL!" Now THAT will really p!ss off the "Goopers" ! I love it!